
East Bridge College To Offer Logistics and Supply Chain Management Program For Professionals

22nd June 2021

Supply Chain Management is usually being recognized as an essential part of the American economy. Intel’s semiconductors to Microsoft’s enterprise software, the U.S. supply chain contains 37% of all jobs, employing 44 million people! By understanding the standards of it, a lot of other organizations like, hospitals, hospitality sectors, aviation etc. have uplifted to the demand for accomplished and well-qualified professionals. East Bridge College’s programs are internationally recognized by the California University FCE, INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITATION ORGANIZATION (IAO) and American Council of Training and Development (ACTD). East Bridge College’s programs are also affiliated with the European International University. East Bridge College’s MBA program in Logistics and Supply Chain Management is being designed to provide flexibility to busy professionals in order to acquire the desirable qualification at their own pace virtually. One of the major areas of focus of the program is excellent networking opportunities throughout the course and the learners can also personalize their course progression according to their busy schedule.

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