Writing up your research into brief pieces which can be read and viewed by the extensive academic world is the key to building your profile. However, there are several little minutiae of the journal publishing procedure. So, what happens after the submission?
Generally, your work will go to the journal manager, who will do a comprehensive check to see that your work essentially fits in with the journal. The review method can be both rewarding and frustrating. Well, the complete process is not just for the advantage of the paper but is intended to deliver the authors with an opportunity to expand their work and explain its presentation.
After that, the next important step is for authors to address the comments made by the reviewers. It varies greatly. Also, there are times when an author will upset with a reviewer’s comment. The reviewer is an expert in the field.
So, how to handle the reviewer comments?
Tackling Reviewer Comments
Following are the of the do’s and don’ts ---
Start with the Easy Responsibilities
Go through the comments and fix whatever that seems to be a simple appeal. Correspondingly, it frequently helps to highlight your responses somehow as you finish them. Well, this will help you can see your development and regulate the amount of changes that are essential.
Reply to Each Comment in Turn
Copy each reviewer comment into the document and reply to it precisely. You don’t have to respond to every single comment. Remember, these will be a combination of providing additional clarity on your research approach by highlighting what fluctuations you’ve made in the text.
Write A General Letter
Try to cover the complete changes that you’ve made in this general letter in response to the general tone of the reviewer remarks. Also, note where you’ve highlighted changes in the text. The genera letter document will start in letter format which should feature your thanks for the remarks and the prospect to build on your work.
(Credit - chesynjournal.com)
Agree to Disagree
Sometimes, you might observe that you disagree with some of the comments. If this is the case, enlighten why you disagree and support it with earlier published literature. Regularly, a reviewer may miss a point or may not have seen part of your data, which can be simply addressed in your response.
Conflicting Suggestions
What to do when reviewers make contradictory suggestions? This occurs quite often. On occasion, it can be quite beneficial! Once more, consider which of the suggestions are most suitable to your work and validate your choice to the editor.
Acknowledge Their Praise
While addressing the comments, it is also necessary to focus on the good comments too. Make sure you acknowledge their positive comments. With this letter, you’ll submit your reviewed document back to the reviewers. You may also have to go through another round of revisions too.
Reanalyze Information
Regulate what is essential in order to resolve the issues reported by the reviewers. Well, if some requests are beyond the scope of your study, then address the comment and offer your explanation for not making the revisions at that example. If the trials requested are fascinating and seem like something you would follow in the future, you can inform the reviewer consequently.
Needless to say, a supportive approach is to resolve one comment at a time. Read the comment well, and understand what it is really asking. Make notes of how you will respond.
Make sure that you deliver a comprehensive and concise response to each and every point that the reviewer has recognized. Online Professional Doctoral Degrees will help you to earn your dream doctoral degree faster. Finally, you need to be certain that the peer review method helps you deliver an enhanced manuscript and of much higher
Written By : Albert Adams