In recent times, Thailand has developed as a center for innovation and creativity, driven by the rising prominence of design thinking and innovation management. As the nation deals with complex societal challenges, such as urbanization, environmental degradation, and economic inequality, the need for effective problem-solving approaches has never been more pressing. In response to this demand, Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management have emerged as catalysts for change, equipping students with the skills and mindset needed to tackle these pressing issues head-on.

The Rise of Design Thinking and Innovation Management in Thailand

Thailand's rapid adoption of design thinking and innovation management mirrors an expansive worldwide trend towards human-centered approaches to problem-solving. Design thinking, lays stress on empathy, experimentation, and iteration, which has led to gaining traction across various sectors, from business and technology to healthcare and public policy. Similarly, innovation management has become a key driver of competitiveness and growth, enabling organizations to adapt to rapidly changing environments and seize new opportunities.

Meanwhile, companies ranging from startups to multinational corporations are increasingly integrating design thinking principles into their product development processes, recognizing the value of human-centered design in creating innovative solutions that resonate with customers.

Addressing Societal Challenges Through Design Thinking

One of the most intriguing factor of design thinking is its ability to tackle complex societal challenges. By redefining challenges through a human-centered lens and engaging shareholders in the co-creation process, design thinkers can uncover insights and develop solutions that address the root causes of social issues.

In Thailand, design thinking has been applied to a wide range of societal challenges, including:

  • Urbanization: With swift urban expansion placing stress on infrastructure, transportation, and housing, design thinkers are exploring innovative approaches to urban planning and development. By including local communities in the design process and prioritizing sustainability and inclusivity, urban designers can create cities that are more livable, resilient, and equitable.
  • Environmental Degradation: Thailand encounter various environmental challenges, from air and water pollution to deforestation and loss of biodiversity. Design thinking offers a unified approach for addressing these issues, allowing researchers to develop sustainable solutions that balance economic growth with environmental stewardship. Whether through the design of eco-friendly products, the implementation of renewable energy systems, or the promotion of conservation initiatives, design thinkers are playing a crucial role in safeguarding Thailand's natural resources for future generations.
  • Economic Inequality: Notwithstanding its economic advancements Thailand continues to deal with income inequality and disparities in access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. Design thinking can help connect the gaps by fostering innovation in social services, financial inclusion, and community development. By Enabling disenfranchised groups and co-designing solutions that meet their specific needs, designers can contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society.
  • Healthcare Access: Thailand has made use of design thinking to improve access to healthcare services especially in rural and underserved areas. By understanding the unique needs and constraints of these communities, designers can create innovative solutions such as mobile clinics, telemedicine platforms, and community health outreach programs to ensure that all citizens have access to quality healthcare.
  • Education Reform: Design thinking has played a major role in driving education modification efforts in Thailand, with its main focus on improving the quality of teaching and learning experiences for students. Designers have collaborated with educators, policymakers, and shareholders to develop innovative teaching methods, curriculum designs, and learning environments that cater to diverse learning styles and promote lifelong learning.
  • Environmental Conservation: Thailand faces major environmental issues, including deforestation, pollution, and habitat destruction. Design thinking has been applied to conservation efforts, with designers working alongside environmentalists and community members to develop sustainable solutions such as reforestation initiatives, waste management systems, and eco-friendly products that minimize environmental impact.
  • Cultural Preservation: Thailand's rich cultural heritage is a source of pride for its citizens, but rapid urbanization and globalization pose threats to traditional practices and artifacts. Design thinking has been employed to preserve and promote Thai culture, with designers collaborating with cultural institutions, artisans, and communities to develop innovative approaches to heritage conservation, cultural tourism, and cultural education.
  • Social Inclusion: Design thinking has been used to promote social inclusion and empower marginalized groups in Thai society, including persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, and LGBTQ+ communities. Designers have worked to create inclusive spaces, products, and services that accommodate diverse needs and perspectives, ensuring that all members of society have equal access to opportunities and resources.
  • Disaster Resilience: Thailand is prone to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and tsunamis, which can have devastating effects on communities and infrastructure. Design thinking has been employed to enhance disaster preparedness and resilience, with designers collaborating with government agencies, NGOs, and local communities to develop innovative solutions such as early warning systems, resilient infrastructure designs, and community-based disaster management plans.
  • Economic Development: Design thinking has been harnessed to drive economic development and entrepreneurship in Thailand, particularly in rural and remote areas. Designers have worked with local artisans, farmers, and entrepreneurs to develop innovative products, services, and business models that leverage local resources and cultural assets to create sustainable livelihoods and economic opportunities.
  • Public Transportation: Thailand's rapidly growing urban population has put pressure on its transportation infrastructure, leading to congestion, pollution, and inefficiency. Design thinking has been used to improve public transportation systems, with designers collaborating with transit authorities, urban planners, and commuters to develop user-centered solutions such as smart mobility apps, bike-sharing programs, and pedestrian-friendly streetscapes that promote sustainable and equitable mobility options.


The Role of Professional Doctorates in Design Thinking and Innovation Management in Driving Change

Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management are at the forefront of this movement towards more human-centered and socially conscious design. By equipping students with advanced knowledge and practical skills, these programs are empowering the next generation of innovators to tackle some of Thailand's most pressing challenges.

How does a Professional Doctorates in Design Thinking and Innovation Management help?

  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management in Thailand offer an interdisciplinary curriculum that combines principles from design, business, psychology, sociology, and other fields. This holistic approach equips professionals with a comprehensive understanding of complex societal challenges and the ability to develop innovative solutions that address the root causes of these issues.
  • Human-Centered Design: A Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management involve rigorous coursework and hands-on projects, which helps professionals to learn to adopt a human-centered approach to problem-solving, placing the needs and experiences of end-users at the forefront of the design process. By empathizing with stakeholders and understanding their perspectives, professionals can develop solutions that are more effective, inclusive, and sustainable.
  • Creative Problem-Solving: A Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management program cultivate creativity and critical thinking skills among participants, enabling them to think outside the box and explore unconventional solutions to societal challenges. By encouraging experimentation, iteration, and risk-taking, these programs empower professionals to break free from traditional modes of thinking and embrace innovation.
  • Collaborative Learning Environment: Participants in a Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management program have the opportunity to collaborate with fellow professionals from diverse backgrounds, including academia, industry, government, and nonprofit organizations. This interdisciplinary learning environment fosters cross-pollination of ideas, sparking new insights and approaches to problem-solving.
  • Practical Experience: Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management program involve real-world projects and industry partnerships, professionals gain practical experience in applying design thinking and innovation management principles to address societal challenges. This hands-on approach allows them to test their ideas in a real-world context, refine their skills, and build a portfolio of impactful projects.
  • Research Skills: Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management program equip professionals with advanced research skills, enabling them to conduct rigorous investigations into complex issues and generate evidence-based insights. By applying research methods such as qualitative and quantitative analysis, professionals can gather data, identify trends, and uncover opportunities for innovation.
  • Leadership Development: Participants in Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management program develop leadership skills that are essential for driving change and mobilizing stakeholders around shared goals. Through coursework in leadership, strategy, and organizational behavior, professionals learn to inspire and motivate teams, navigate organizational dynamics, and champion innovative solutions within their organizations and communities.
  • Networking Opportunities: Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management program provide professionals with access to a diverse network of peers, mentors, and industry experts. Through conferences, workshops, and networking events, participants can exchange ideas, forge partnerships, and leverage the collective expertise of the design thinking and innovation management community to address societal challenges more effectively.


As Thailand continues to undergo rapid transformation, the need for innovative solutions to societal challenges has never been greater. Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management are playing a crucial role in driving this innovation agenda forward, by equipping students with the skills, mindset, and network needed to create positive change. By harnessing the power of design thinking to address complex problems in areas such as urbanization, environmental degradation, and economic inequality, these programs are not only shaping the future of design in Thailand but also contributing to the broader goal of building a more sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous society.

Ready to drive change? Explore how our Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management can equip you with the skills to tackle Thailand's pressing societal challenges head-on. Enroll now and be part of the solution

Written By : Rajosree Sur